Search and Contest Parking or Automated Camera Tickets

Please be advised that the City of Chicago does not request payments, personal information or financial information for parking or automated camera violations in an unsolicited manner through e-mail. Do not utilize any such emails to search for or pay for any parking or automated camera violations.

You can search and contest parking, compliance, and tickets issued by automated cameras by using the search options below, and entering the required information.

Ticket Number(s)

Please enter the ten (10) digit ticket number for each ticket you wish to contest. The ten (10) digit ticket number includes any leading zeros. Please do not enter ticket numbers that fall under more than one notice number. (Where's my ticket number located?)

Ticket #1:
Ticket #2:
Ticket #3:

By using this interface, you agree to contest each ticket number you have selected. Payment of any ticket constitutes final disposition of the violation.
Please contact the City of Chicago's ticket helpline (312) 744-7275 if you have any questions or concerns. The City of Chicago's ticket helpline is open Monday through Friday 7AM - 7PM Central Times.